Cut 1 piecesof mesh 7X69 threads (6X68 holes) for the large ribbon, 1 piece 5X42 threads (4X41 holes) for the small ribbon and 1 piece 6X59 threads (5X58 holes) for the mourning ribbon.
Stitch the projects according the patterns. To give the VT a multi colored look - you can take 1 strand of #52 Bittersweet and 1 strand of #03 Burgundy and twist them together before straight stitching the VT letters on the mourning ribbon. Overcast the large & small ribbon in #52 Bittersweet and the mourning ribbon in #00 Black.
Once the ribbons are stitched, twist them into shape to form a ribbon. Tack the large and small ribbon with #03 Burgundy and the mourning ribbon with #00 Black (you can just stitch over a stitch or two keep from any one seeing any extra stitches) You can place a saftey pin through the small ribbon to wear it, hang the bigger one from your rear view mirror with yarn, from you antenna - just slip it through, or hang it from your purse.

The Patterns:

This is to honor my fellow Virginians .... I have several friends that have children and my children have several friends that attend Virginia Tech. They came from all over the country — and all over the world. They had friends and families - They will be missed!

We will continue to invent the future through our blood and tears and through all our sadness ... We are the Hokies ...
-- Nikki Giovanni, University Distinguished Professor, poet, activist