Hop On In...
Hop On In


Materials Used:

7 count Plastic Canvas Mesh (3 pieces)

Needloft Yarn:
#35 Sail Blue - 42 yds.
#07 Pink - 5 yds.
#00 Black - 20 yds.
#14 Cinnamon - 15 yds.
#16 Sandtone - 1/2 yd.

To Finish Project:
Sawtooth hangers (2 small and heavy duty thread)

Stitches Used:

Continental Stitch
Cross Stitch
Overcast Stitch


Cut 2 pieces of 81X41 threads (80X40 holes) according to the pattern for the sign, cut 1 piece of 70X33 threads (69X32 holes) according to the bunny's head pattern, cut 1 piece each of 15X11 threads (14X10 holes) for each paw, and cut 2 pieces of 21X13 threads for the bunny's feet. Follow the patterns to stitch all the pieces, remember each paw is different hench 2 different patterns and you only need to stitch one of the signs - the other with be for the back. Don't forget to cross stitch the bunny's eyes in black.

When completed Overcast the bunny's head, paws & feet in black. Whipstitch the finished sign to the unfinished sign piece in black. Tack the bunny parts to the sign where indicated on the sign pattern with black dots, using crafters glue or yarn.

Tack 2 sawtooth hangers to the back of the sign, spread out about 7 inches apart from each other, to make the sign sturdier when hanging. Hang it on the front door and just watch all the people hop on in....

Questions or comments? Contact teresa@tsplace.com
Copyright 1997-2017 Teresa Crawford. Not for commercial use without permission

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